Monday, November 2, 2009

Blah, Blah, Blah

I know that it is quickly approaching a month since my last post. I have no idea where time goes! If it's any consolation, I've considered blogging more times than I care to admit. I really have no excuse for not blogging, other than lack of blog worthy blogs and lack of motivation. Clearly it isn't that I can't type and whip something up in a matter of minutes. Maybe I'm using all of my quick typing minutes and thoughts to reply to random potential daters on the dating site (yeah that's it - which mind you is completely unsuccessful!)

I spent seven days in training during the month of October. All out of town, but not far enough. I did spend two nights in a hotel during one of the four day trainings. I'll post later about my passive-aggressive training moment, although one co-worker deemed it more of an aggressive-aggressive moment!

I'm trying really hard at the whole dating thing. Ok, that's more of an extreme exaggeration. I should clarify and say that I'm trying really hard to actually meet people and date rather than jump into a relationship. Last week I came across several blogs of turn-offs in dating. I'll reference my list in a later blog too.

On the home front...T finished up soccer on a Thursday, party on Friday. And then what comes next? Monday basketball tryouts. Weekends were swapped with my son's dad so that my son could go to his great grandma's 97th birthday party, which was cancelled the Monday before and subsequently she passed on the day her party had been scheduled. So the day of tryouts - none other than the viewing across state and the funeral the following day. While son's dad didn't ever talk to me about any of it - heard via instant message with my son (have to love YAHOO IM), I volunteered to drive my son 3.5 hours east after tryouts to attend the funeral the following day. Didn't even get out of the car, and then made the return trip. Ah motherhood. Of course I had a few appropriate "choice words" with the coach when I learned that tryouts weren't just Monday, regardless he made the "B" team. Sigh...I mean Congrats T, mom loves the 4:00p.m. games!

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